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Mobilizing fired-up Christians to reach the nations with the truth and freedom of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, is our passion.  We have written hundreds of songs in many languages with the heart of God for the forgotten, beginning when we were teenagers!

While leading worship of our originals for decades and ministering in teaching, we have had captive audiences on outreaches, online, in churches - Stephen has had millions of viewers online & Melodie's audiences have been especially in concert halls, weddings, coffee houses, receptions, restaurants, retreats, holiday and birthday celebrations, funerals, public schools, hospitals, mission trips, prisons, nursing homes, orphanages, BIBLE SCHOOLS, on radio, television, and in many churches in several continents. 


In 2018 we were matched by our Creator and married on the CFNI campus and in 2019 moved from Paris France To Texas USA and are currently ministering in various languages.


The Lord has equipped and called us to serve in missions as Singer Songwriters, Conference Speakers, Interpreters in many languages, Photographers, Graphic Designers, Multi Language Tutors, & Ordained Pastors, Evangelists as well as Chaplains

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