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Reading: How to pronounce and comprehend text

When you the student reads either a large, intermediate or small section at a time, depending on your level of fluency, I will help you pronounce words correctly, have write down big words to work on, and all we do is recorded on MP3 audio format for your keeping.



Writing: How to spell and create sentences, letters paragraphs

Creating a simple note, practicing a letter to someone, or putting many grammatical structures together will help you understand the puzzle of writing a language.




Speaking: How to communicate fluently and correctly

When learning to speak it is not only important to understand the structure of the language, but identifying objects, actions and who we are speaking of - this is where we will cover much of the grammar details below.  We will also learn whole sentences at a time and creating small questions and answers.



Listening: How to understand simple, intermediate and complex language in audio

Making up the message or point of a paragraph, story or test of questions, can practically help students recognize important words in the English vocabulary (or the language I am teaching).  Listening repededly to a language can help students begin to memorize not just important words but the order in which they need function.



Grammar: Click on the eight definitions below to better comprehend the grammar structure

Grammar can be one of the least favorite parts of a language for many people.  If we can understand these orders in a fun and easy way with my lessons and games, then this crazy puzzle will more easily come together for you and willl make sense to you the more time you dive into it.






English grammar is made up of

(click on each definition for details):

Nouns * pronouns * verbs * adverbs * adjectives * prepositions * conjunctions * interjections



Albert & Melodie Merand 

Language Instructors 

VTN Online Language School


972 - 338 - 5551 Phone

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